

Wine market in Brazil shows growth

Publicada em 04/06/2019 - 10:38

Even with per capita consumption still low, with around 2 liters, country recorded a 13% increase in sales in 2018

Research on the Brazilian wine market has shown that of the more than 207 million inhabitants, 66 million have drunk wine in the last six months and 32 million people in the last 30 days. Numbers are seen as a business opportunity for consumers looking for less obvious products and a "more adventurous" profile, who like to try out new products. The study was conducted in 2017 by wine marketing company Wine Intelligence, based in England, China and Brazil, among other countries, commissioned by the Brazilian Wine Institute (Ibravin), and reveals the potential of the Brazilian consumer market.

According to the survey, 7% of Brazilians said they consume wine practically every day, which indicates that there is enough market to be conquered. According to the International Organization of Vine and Wine (OIV), the per capita consumption of wines in Brazil is less than two liters per year. 

And the statistics of sales in the Brazilian market attest to the research of the multinational company. In 2018, sales of domestic wine increased by 13.31% compared to 2017. The data are from the Winery Registration (maintained in partnership between the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock and Rural Development of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (SEAPDR / RS), Ibravin and the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (Map) .A total of 411,529,292 liters of wines, sparkling wines, juices and other derivatives of the grape were sold, , the average recorded in the last five years shows an increase of almost 30% in the period. 

With all this market potential, Serra Gaúcha will host the second edition of Wine South America - International Wine Fair, September 25 to 27. Importers, distributors, wine professionals, specialized press and wine lovers who can check labels from the main producing regions of the world. Last year there were 250 exhibiting brands, 6,000 trade professionals and industry experts in 10 thousand square meters of area. 

The participation of national wineries will be even more representative this year, attracting exhibitors from all the producing regions of Brazil, who will present their labels recognized by more than 3 thousand prizes already won abroad. About 80% of the Brazilian brands participating in the first edition have already renovated their spaces and other important national wineries have confirmed their debut in 2019.

In relation to international brands, membership has also been successful: more than 10 countries are participating in Wine South America 2019, highlighting Argentina, Chile and Uruguay, reinforcing the positioning of the sectors main event in the Latin American continent.

"Brazil is the fifth largest in the South Hemisphere and 13th largest wine producer in the world. Our products are exported to 59 countries on five continents. The potential is very favorable. And the fair has an important role in bringing customers (buyers) closer to wineries within our own territory, "says the president of the Brazilian Wine Institute (Ibravin), Oscar Ló.

                        Photo: Dandy Marchetti/Ibravin

Fair will have masterclasses with specialists

As an example of 2018, Wine South America will meet with master classes conducted by Master of Wine and international renown and guided tastings of wines, in partnership with the Brazilian branch of the Brazilian Association of Sommeliers (ABS-RS). As in the first edition, the Brazilian Association of Winemaking (ABE) is a supporter of the fair, since the event culminates with the National Wine Assessment, held annually by the entity on the last Saturday of September.

According to Marcos Milanez Milaneze, director of Milanez & Milaneze, a company promoting the fair and a subsidiary of the Verona Fiere Group, in addition to promoting business between domestic and international producers with players from the Brazilian and world markets, Wine South America has the the main producing region of the country, which strengthens its importance for the sector and promotes wine tourism.

“The buyer, in addition to experiencing the wines and sparkling wines exhibited at the fair, has the opportunity to get to know the wineries in the region, the place of elaboration of the products, their quality and experience the emotion behind the label, transforming the event into a unique experience for those who visit it, “observes Milaneze, noting that, in addition to products derived from grapes, the fair will have olive oil and distillate brands.

Buyer Project to be 40% higher than 2018

Done through a partnership between Milaneze & Milaneze / Verona Fiere with the Brazilian Wine Institute (Ibravin), the Brazilian Service of Support to Micro and Small Enterprises (Sebrae) and the Brazilian Agency for the Promotion of Exports and Investments (Apex-Brasil) the Buyer Project will bring to Wine South America 140 buyers from all Brazilian states and another 30 from countries of the American, European and Asian continents, with the aim of promoting business roundtables with the Brazilian wineries. The total number of buyers is 40% higher than the previous edition.

In 2018, about 120 companies participated in the Buyer Project, generating around R$ 6 million in business. "In addition to promoting wine tourism, the main objective of the fair is to develop business and experiences for buyers and professionals in the area. Ibravin, in partnership with Apex and Sebrae, is developing Buyer Projects we are expecting around 170 buyers in Wine South America, "says Ibravin Promotion Manager Diego Bertolini.